Early last year, I wrote a blog post which explained how Unity's coroutines work. In my conclusion, I expressed that I underestimated the level of wizardry they involved, so much so that it went far beyond the scope of the article. I figured it was time to perhaps elaborate on that, and show you a glimpse of Unity's game loop and how the coroutine system works in the engine (at least, my interpretation of it.)
I forgot how deadly the Hill of Death™️ is at university. Kill me my legs are in pain
How do Unity’s coroutines actually work?
Oliver • Updated 2 years ago
Coroutines in Unity are a way to run expensive loops, or delays in execution, without having to involve multithreading.
That's right – although it's commonly believed that coroutines are multithreaded operations, they in fact run on the
main thread. But have you ever asked yourself why coroutines return IEnumerator
? What does that even mean? We'll take
look at how they work, and I hope to explain just how genius they are.