
Thanks for getting in touch! While I do my best to read to all inquiries, I cannot guarantee that I will be able to respond to your message. Nevertheless, I appreciate you taking the time to reach out to me and I will respond if I can.

Spam Warning
I am politely asking that you respect my inbox and keep your unsolicited advertising away. This is a simple request. If you send me any kind of spam after this, you have demonstrated that you do not have the basic human decency to respect my wishes or my privacy, and you have lost the privilege for me to respect yours. I will block your email address, and I will add your name to my public blacklist of spammers, which you can find here.
Dear SEO marketing teams

I have given you enough chances. I asked that you do not send me any SEO offers or else be blocked. Congratulations, you've been upgraded to "spammer" and will receive the same treatment as any other bad actor sending unsolicited crap.

If I receive any SEO emails, you will be added to the blacklist and your company name will be shamed too. I will make my best efforts to ensure no one ever uses you. If you cannot respect the privacy of my inbox, I will never respect you or your company.