Below is a list of email addresses that have been blocked from contacting me. This list is public so that others may also block these addresses if they wish. Any email address that contains an asterisk (*) is a wildcard, meaning that any email address that matches the pattern will be blocked.
You can view this list in JSON format here, or in CSV format here.
Name / Email | Reason |
n/a <*> | General spam |
Berenice Tafoya <[email protected]> | Unsolicited SEO |
BitcoinSystem <[email protected]> | Crypto scam |
Castillo Mary Carmen <[email protected]> | General spam |
Rolex Watches <[email protected]> | Rolex watch scam |
Abi <[email protected]> | Unsolicited SEO |
Shelli Dillon <[email protected]> | General spam |
Роštа Ϲrne Gоrе <[email protected]> | Polish scammer baiting into paying for something that I did not order. |
Sam Grady <[email protected]> | Unsolicited SEO (dba Digital Promax) |
HMRC <hmrc*@*> | Fake HMRC scam |
Ilse Brewington <[email protected]> | Unsolicited advertising (dba Jimmy Sax Black) |
BestFarmclecy <[email protected]> | Pill scam |
Louis Vuitton <[email protected]> | Attempting to sell high-value merchanise. |
Michael Yancy <[email protected]> | Unsolicited SEO (dba Digital Promax) |
Jim Kump <[email protected]> | Unsolicited SEO (dba Digital Promax) |
Leslie Campos <[email protected]> | General spam |
Libby Evans <[email protected]> | Unsolicited Instagram SEO |
MarkGob <[email protected]> | Crypto scam |
Michael Jenkinson <[email protected]> | Unsolicited SEO (dba Digital Promax) |
Megan Atkinson <[email protected]> | Unsolicited Instagram SEO |
Роštа Сrnе Gоrе <[email protected]> | Polish scammer baiting into paying for something that I did not order. |
Phil Stewart <ps*> | Unsolicited SEO |
Vevor <[email protected]> | Unsolicited e-commerce ad |
Walterthose <yasen.krasen.13*> | Random gibberish |