Late night field trip

Oliver Oliver • Published 12 years ago

Legacy Post

This post has been recovered from an alternative blogging platform that I've not used in many years. Some of the content may have been reworded so that it makes sense in the context of this site, however the substance of the content will be unchanged.

Dear friend

After much deliberation with a good friend of mine, we decided to take a random drive and we landed up at tbe beach no earlier than… 10pm perhaps? Like a boss.

At the risk of sounding weird, the view is quite spectacular. At least I think it was, it was too dark to see shit. Either way it's rather peaceful, at least until you hear the sound of screaming of your good friend who claims to be as hard as nails. Turns out the night holds more important things than attackers and such, cockroach type things clearly dominate…

...They weren't pretty.

And thus concludes a real world story, not nerd gibberish o_O I deduce this won't work out, so I'll go back to posting my game progress… You all agree? Good.

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