An update from my home away from home

Oliver Oliver • Published 11 years ago

Dear friend

I wouldn't really consider myself a people person. I cringe at the mere thought of socialising. But for some reason there are a few people with whom I would entrust my life. Why? I don't know. I have difficulty opening up. It's not my thing to do because I feel it's my business. Everybody has their own troubles and worries. I wouldn't want to intrude into their life with my woes. Would I? This blog tells me otherwise… Weird huh?

The thought occurs that as the time for university draws closer and closer, I'm going to have to become more outgoing. I've always been an introverted person - probably why I suck at relationships - but maybe it's time to let go and grow up. Keeping things bottled up can't be healthy for you. You might end up with a Peter Griffin shaped tumour.

If I was to ever have a tumour, I would gladly accept a singing one.

Even living in this flat, crossing strangers in the hall, is a big step for me. You can almost feel the awkward from afar. No one here stops to chat, they just nod. No one spends time in the communal living area, we just stay confined to our rooms like an urban prison with access to the Internet.

Still, independence is a great thing. Can't be pessimistic about this stage in my life can I? I need to grow a back bone to this thing one day. I just hate the process. I guess I will just have to grow to like it, c'est la vie.

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