Dear friend

For a little while, I've wanted to start a series of blog posts in which I extensively explain my position on pressing controversial topics. My stance may or may not align with popular opinion, it may or may not align with yours, and I'd like to open the floor up to discussion about these things. The problem however, lies when people get defensive and aggressive about it.

See, here's the thing. You have the right to an opinion. Trying to tell you not to think what you think is literally thought police. Your right to believe and think what you want is what makes us free. What you are NOT free from however, is ridicule. No one is protected from their opinion being argued or even completely demolished. That is censorship, and that is stupid. It could be your opinion that drinking battery acid is good for you. You're entitled to hold that belief for sure - but you're demonstrably wrong. You see, Just because it's your opinion, it doesn't mean you can live in your own little bubble and dismiss anyone who doesn't agree with you. It's dangerous, and that way madness lies.

I'm very outspoken and unashamed of my opinions. Especially my atheism (which will have its own post topic, don't worry.) I would post anti-religion stuff all the time - and a lot of people were butthurt, telling me to stop because everyone has a right to an opinion…

Let that sink in.

“Everyone has the right to an opinion… So keep quiet about your opinion.”

The irony is strong.

I will shout my opinion loudly and proudly. No one should have to keep quiet about it. If you do not wish to engage, then simply do not. Quietly disagree and move on. That's all you have to do. What you cannot do is go around telling me and other people to not engage, and fuck you for saying so. I am an atheist. I am pro-choice. I believe in open immigration. I vote Green Party. I am not ashamed.

Now, this is merely an introduction of what is to come. I intend to cover each of these topics and more in future posts. When I do, I invite everyone to challenge, question, and debate why I may be wrong on any particular subject. I am open-minded. If you have good reasons and evidence to sway me one way or another, you may just change my view.