Why I hate: The term "immigrants"

Oliver Oliver • Published 8 years ago Updated 8 years ago

Dear friend

I hate the term “immigrants”. It sounds dirty to most people, doesn't it? You can hear the disgust in the mere utterance of the word. Immigrants. To rhyme with scum. Why is that?

First off, let's get one thing clear. I understand how – evolutionarily speaking – one might distrust “outsiders”. I imagine it served us well throughout history to be weary of other tribes. Stronger tribes battling it out and killing off the weaker ones. I get it. But let's stop and think about the absolute fucking mess we're in today.

As a Briton, I find myself in a situation where others around me (some to whom I am directly related) abhor at the idea of anyone who is not born in this country, entering this country. Although I'm sad to acknowledge that this mindset is not limited to the British. Remember that Syrian refugee crisis? Floods of people seeking asylum from the shit that's going on in their homeland? A more civilised person might say “What an opportunity to show compassion for our fellow man. Let's open up our borders and give them shelter.” Not these folks though. These close-minded racists outright refused to accept that said refugees are fucking human – much like they are – and cast them asunder like yesterday's lunch.

By now you might be thinking, “but those are refugees not immigrants!” – and you would be right. I'm getting to that.

I firmly believe that those who aren't fleeting from a shitstorm of fuckery, and just want to move country, should have every right to just pack up their bags and leave. Of course, however, you need documentation. You need to inform the appropriate agencies when you simply move house don't you? But why do we add this extra layer of pointless obstacles when it comes to moving country? Why are people so quick to erect borders? I mean, look at the US and Mexico. A literal border. A huge fucking wall. Why? What's the point? There isn't one. Stop it.

It just baffles me that people fail to see that we – every one of us – are all citizens of planet Earth. We are all people. This world belongs to all of us. Stop being so fucking pretentiously deluded into thinking you can stop others from exploring this wonderful planet. It's not your country. It's not your president's/prime minister/emperor's country. (Even if it was, what would that achieve? It's not like they can own it forever.) It's a small patch of grass and dirt on a spherical rock in the middle of space.

Please let us be one.


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