

This tutorial only applies to Unity 2023.1 or later.

Unity provides developers with an easy solution to calling a method after a delay. This method is called Invoke. It has a pretty obvious benefit: It's easy to understand and use.

But unfortunately, there are far more drawbacks which make this method a candidate for obsoletion.

  • It relies on string dependencies, and therefore is prone to typos which may not be caught until runtime
  • It does not support parametered methods
  • It relies on a distinct method to exist
  • It uses reflection to find the method you provide
  • You can't return a value

8 min

What is delta time?

You may have heard the term “delta time” before. Unity represents this with the Time.deltaTime property. Unreal represents this with the DeltaSeconds parameter in the Tick event.

But if you've ever asked "what does delta time even mean?", this is the post for you.

3 min

How to get a reference

Learn how to get a reference in Unity the correct way.

3 min